I know many photographers who have long awaited the release of the next DX body to replace the D300s, and it is here, the D500. Announced along with the new flagship camera, the D5, Nikon has really produced two new amazing SLR cameras. But I know what is going to get the attention of many of my readers, the D500. Why? For any DX camera users, this is a no brainer. This camera is loaded with new technology and features; it is a big jump from any current DX camera. For a full frame shooter (FX format), this might make you pause. All my current lenses and bodies are full frame, but I still going to buy a D500. Take a look at these features:
-20.9 MP DX sensor; 20MP is just right for most of my shooting, and great for travel when I don’t need huge files.
-10fps, with a huge buffer; your are not going to miss action waiting for the buffer to clear
-new autofocus module 153/99 points that works in even lower light; the same one in the D5; with the DX sensor size, virtually the entire viewfinder will have autofocus points.
-excellent ISO performance at 6400 and 12,800. Yes this camera can go to ISO 1,640,00, but I rarely shoot more than 6400.
-built on the same rugged body type as the D810; but without a popup flash, even more durable.
-wifi and bluetooth compatible; this camera will always be connected to your phone even when it is turned off. You can easily upload photos for those Instagram posts.
-4k video; and lots of other video improvements including in camera 4k time-lapse video creation.
-touch sensitive tilting LCD screen; great for shooting at odd angles like macro.
-the same 10 pin port; all my cable releases and other accessories with attach without new adapters.
I am getting a D500 for 10FPS a second in a nice small body, the sweet spot of 20mp, and the wifi/bluetooth abilities. The DX 1.5x sensor, with its smaller size, will turn my 300mm into a 450mm equivalent with the narrower angle of view. For telephoto shooting (wildlife, sports), this will be a great camera, and one I won’t think twice about taking since it is light and compact. The D5 may be in my future, but for now I signing up for a D500.